How to Create Google+ Button on Blog

How to Create Google+ Button on Blog
Howtoseos - Okay sob this time Howtoseos will make a tutorial How to Submit Keywords Follow Google+ on Blog. Surely my friend is not familiar with the name of Google + this? Obviously ~

What is Google +?
This is a bit about google plus

Google+ or Google Plus is a social network operated by Google Inc. Google+ was launched on June 28, 2011, with a system to try. On that day, Google+ users for friends over 18, create an account. However, this was discontinued a day later after account creation became increasingly widespread.

Google+ services like Google Profiles and Google Buzz, and services like Circles, Hangouts, Sparks, and Patchouli. Google+ will also be available with a variety of desktop apps and mobile apps, on Android and iOS operating systems. Mass media like Google+ is Google's biggest effort to rival Facebook's social network, which already has more than 750 million users in 2011.

What does the button function follow google plus?
It's the function is the button to make a google buddy account plus a buddy, example a new article that my friend post in google plus :)

Okay just go ..

How to Create Google+ Button on Blog
1. First login first in google
2. Then open the web develop Google + follow button HERE
3. Then size Button, Annotation, and Language Choose as you wish
4. And copy all code / select all (ctrl + a)
5. Go to blogger and put it in HTML / JavaScript, (Layout-> Add widget-> HTML / JavaScript)
6. Save and finish :)

Easy is bro?
Maybe that's just a tutorial on How to Make a Follow Google+ Button on Blog.
Hopefully useful :)

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